Convenient high-function computing software
based on Excel
"Excelbooster" of Fortress Innovation provides user interface since implemented as a revamped menu in MS Excel.
Additionally, it is software with exceptional processing speed, faster than ever,
to improve task efficiency without any modifications to client's existing VBA.
ExcelBooster in Excel
Simple and easy-to-follow structure
as an Add-in in MS Excel
ExcelBooster is accessible as a menu in MS Excel allowing users to work with a Run button with no additional training.
Export & Build
Task to convert VBA code and its related input data to ExcelBooster’s executable files
Task to execute the generated files at the Export & Build stage
Execute Button
A button to execute Run of checked Export & Build(Most commonly facilitated by users)
Task to compare and verify ExcelBooster task output against the existing VBA output
Simple conversion without any VBA modifications
Add just 2 commands to easily run ExcelBooster without any modifications to the existing VBA code
Set the Start point to convert
VBA to ExcelBooster

``IGN { ~ IGN}
Set the intervals to Ignore areas
when converting VBA to ExcelBooster

The processing speed compared to the
existing program improved by up to 374 times
ExcelBooster reduced calculation time by 219 times in computing insurance premium and reserve,
252 times in IFRS17 product profitability and 374 times in variable insurance guarantee costs in comparison with current VBA output.
Company A
- Insurance Premium:
739,854 Caszes
- Reserve : 32,432,656 Cases
Improved calculation speed
in insurance premium
and reserve
Company B
- Insurance premium :
135,260 Cases
- Reserve : 4,006,666 Cases
- Profitability analysis :
MP 50,000 cases,
Sensitivity TEST(8 Rounds)
Improved calculation speed
in IFRS17 product profitability
Company C
- 1000 Scenarios, 90 MPs,
Sensitivity 1~4
Improved calculation speed
in variable insurance
guarantee costs
Enables swift verification
using "INNO DIFF"
Enables swift verification of outputs from existing VBA and
ExcelBooster using the simple 'Inno Diff' function after the calculations are completed.
File1 Open
Select standard data :
Set existing client’s VBA result output files
File2 Open
Select comparison data :
Set ExcelBooster output files
Execute Verification
Verification proceeds with a clock of DIFF button
Confirm verification output
Complete verification with values matching
“Total diff : 0”